The abstraction of J. S. Buchanan

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20 August 2005

Bravo Chocolate Fetus

Dear Readers,

The quoted section below was taken from

The author really hits the nail on the head with this one.

"The problem with today's media is the utter and complete bias.
Today, there were two events, Boeing was donating a computer lab to a first nations technical institute, and the Opposition party leader (who was invited to this donation ceremony) held a press conference in regards to youth crime.

the media, naturally not wanting to report good news flocked to the Opposition leader who now suddenly is concerned with gang crime in low income neighborhoods. So instead of covering this donation ceremony, in which three NDP cabinet ministers and one MLA attended, they covered the Sask Party Leader, who declined an invitation, to grandstand about Gang Youth Crime. Furthermore, they are using the death of a 17 year old boy at a party to advance their agenda. What is equally disturbing is that this 17 year old boy who was killed was not even gang related, yet they try to make the connection, at least to the public, that it was.

The opposition sickens me, especially with their bandwagon public policy, only caring about social issues when the media reports on them. Crystal Meth, they only cared about when it was the big thing (ignoring that coke and alcohol are far more influential drugs in this province when it comes to addiction and substance abuse). They only care about Aboriginal youth Gang Crime when it happens, and above all offer no solutions when it comes to these complex social issues."

Peace & Love,

J. S. Buchanan


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