The abstraction of J. S. Buchanan

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06 August 2005

Grievous Harm

Dear Readers,

It was going to be amazing. In the wee hours of the morning on Sunday 14 August, Nathan Schneider and I were going to drive out to the Crown lands south of the Whitecap Reserve and take my 1985 Nissan Sentra off-roading.

The Sentra was too far gone for repairs to be economical, so I was going to destroy it, which would have been incredibly fun. We were going to videotape the whole thing with two digital camcorders and then make it into a hilarious movie called "Grievous Harm". I already have the script half-finished. Once the car had flown off a couple of sweet jumps, and was no longer operational, we were going to remove the plates, pry off the VIN number, and abandon it.

That was the plan, until today when I went out to start it (just in case the battery was dead or something), and I discovered that the starter had kicked the bucket. A replacement starter would be very expensive, and since the whole point of this exercise was to spend no money, we have called off the operation.

Nathan likely won't be nearly as disappointed as me, because as of right now he doesn't even know we were planning to do this, because he has been in Alberta for the past week, and I didn't get the chance to tell him before he left, because at the time the idea was still in its infancy.

I would still really like to complete Operation Grievous Harm with a different car, so I will be checking the classifieds in the coming weeks in case anything under $100 pops up.

Peace & Love,
J. S. Buchanan


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