The abstraction of J. S. Buchanan

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24 July 2005

Why Cancer Can't Have Me...

Dear Readers,

I will be spending the day at an indescript cabin beside and indescript lake in an indescript part of Saskatchewan. The lake and surrounding area are reportedly full of mosquitoes, many of which probably carry the "deadly" West-Nile Virus.

Despite the risk, I will not be bringing nor using any DEET-based mosquito repellent whatsoever. This is because at my age and with my current healthfulness, West-Nile Virus poses about as much risk to my health and happiness as a cold or mild flu. The cancer, however, that has been linked to the use of carcinogenic DEET-based repellent is much more frightening. So to the mosquitoes I say "Dinner's ready!".

Peace & Love,
J. S. Buchanan


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