The abstraction of J. S. Buchanan

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21 August 2005

Holy War

Dear Readers,

I shaved my beard this morning. Granted, it was a rather flimsy excuse for a beard, (at least the right side was) but now it's gone. My main reason for laying it to rest is the fact that I'm going to the airshow today. Allow me to explain:

Yesterday I went to the airshow with my good pilot buddy Alex MacPherson. While we were there, we spied my sort-of ex-girlfriend's father, Dwight. Alex asked me if I wanted to go kick the shit out of Dwight. I said that I did, but that I wouldn't, because Dwight is a cop, and would have had me arrested, which, since I still want to get back together with his daughter, would have been bad. I have tickets for the airshow again today, so I'm going to go. While I'm there I will find Dwight so that I can talk to him, and try to get him to apologize for an unfortunate incident that occurred last Easter. During said incident, Dwight totally freaked out on me for doing the right thing, which was, incidentally, exactly what I was told to do. A few weeks after the incident, once I was allowed to see his daughter again, he had forgotten all about it, and acted like everything was fine. Well, everything's not fine! Dwight had absolutely no right to act the way he did, and the only reason I stood there and took it was to protect his daughter from what he might have done had I resisted his barrage of maniacal yelling. Anyway, the reason I shaved the beard is because Dwight doesn't like bearded people and I'd like to at least be able to come in with the upper hand.

So that's my story, I'll let you know how everything goes in my next post.

Peace & Love,

J. S. Buchanan


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