The abstraction of J. S. Buchanan

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22 August 2005

Masturbation is good...

Dear Readers,

I very firmly believe that regular masturbation is a very good thing, both for men and for women. The following paragraphs contain information on masturbation and several reason why I think it's so great.

Masturbation is defined as "Excitation of one's own or another's genital organs, usually to orgasm, by manual contact or means other than sexual intercourse." What this means is touching, stroking or massaging the penis or clitoris until an orgasm is achieved. Some women also use stimulation of the vagina to masturbate. Men and women may also use sex toys to masturbate.

While it once was regarded as a perversion and a sign of a mental problem, masturbation now is regarded as a normal, healthy sexual activity that is pleasant, fulfilling, acceptable (except among fucking righties [who all do it, but just won't admit it]), and safe. It is a good way to experience sexual pleasure and can be done throughout life.

Just about everybody masturbates. In one national study, 95% of males and 89% of females reported that they have masturbated. I would assume that the respective remaining percentages are either lying, or have no hands.

Some religions and cultures oppose masturbation or even label it as sinful. These religions and cultures are fucking stupid. Telling kids that masturbation is bad can lead to guilt or shame about the behavior.

I would argue that masturbation can actually improve sexual health and relationships. By exploring your own body through masturbation, you can determine what is erotically pleasing to you and can share this with your partner. Some partners use mutual masturbation to discover techniques for a more satisfying sexual relationship and to add to their mutual intimacy.

Masturbation is exercise. Before and during orgasm, your heartrate increases. This is no different than what happens after a few minutes on a stairmaster. To really get your heart going, try masturbating while using the stairmaster.

Masturbation is also important practice for sex. Many people assume that they will just know how to have sex when the time comes. I do not believe this to be true. Both intercourse and orgasm must be learned, and masturbation is nature's way of teaching us.

In addition to feeling good, masturbation is a good way of relieving the sexual tension that can build up over time, especially for people without partners or whose partners are not willing or available for sex. Masturbation also is a safe sexual alternative for people who wish to avoid pregnancy and the dangers of sexually transmitted infections.

In closing, please masturbate often; I do.

Peace & Love,

J. S. Buchanan


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