The abstraction of J. S. Buchanan

Thank you for visiting This site is currently undergoing major changes. The big re-launch is tentatively scheduled for September 16th. Thanks for your patience and please check back for updates.

12 September 2005

Me Love Website

Dear Readers,

For those of you just joining us, I'll give you some background info. I am Jae Ford, writing under the pen name James Scott Buchanan. This is my weblog. In the relatively near future this website will look and behave more like a website (links, hit counters, etc.). For the time being, however, please be tolerant of the Blogspot format and inherent limitations. I hope to switch to ass-kicking website mode within a week or two. It all really depends upon how my schedule lines up with that of my tireless web designer extraordinaire, Nathan Schneider. Thanks for your patience, and enjoy!

Peace & Love,

J. S. Buchanan


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