The abstraction of J. S. Buchanan

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28 July 2005

City Hall is a Giant Assclown...

Editor's note: The restaurant names in this post have been changed in order to comply with a confidentiality agreement that the assclowns at City Hall made me sign.

Dear Readers,

I am working as a courier for the summer. One of my jobs is to deliver power cutoff notices for the city. A certain restaurant chain (we'll call it "Mr. Blub") seems to have great difficulty remembering to pay its bills. It is for this reason that almost every day, I have to deliver a cutoff notice to at least one Mr. Blub restaurant in the city. Today was no different. Today it was the Sutherland Mr. Blub that didn't pay its bills. I drove to the address listed on the notice and walked up to the Mr. Blub. To my surprise, the restaurant name on the notice was not Mr. Blub, but in fact "Blubway". I have been told many times that if the information on the notice doesn't seem right, I am to call City Hall immediately to make sure it's ok to deliver it. When I phoned City Hall to point out their mistake, I was promptly put on hold... for 17 minutes. At the end of the wait I was asked if I had any white-out with me. When I said that I did, I was asked to white-out the word "Blubway" and write in "Mr. Blub". You'd think they could pull their heads out of their asses long enough to know which restaurant is which. I mean, granted, they both make "blubmarine" sandwiches, but Blubway is clearly superior in taste, and the fact that it actually pays it power bills. From this amazing time-wasting adventure I concluded once and for all that City Hall is just one giant assclown.

Peace & Love,
J. S. Buchanan


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