The abstraction of J. S. Buchanan

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02 September 2005

The Dynamite Blood-Sucking Nymphs of Justice Who Eat Mac and Cheed But Don’t Necessarily Like It...

Dear Readers,

In case any of my loyal readers were wondering, the word “Cheed” in the title is not a typo. Cheed is a cheese-like substance that resembles cheese in appearance only. It tastes like the crap that products like “Instant Plumber” remove from drains. Cheed is accompanied by a similarly disgusting macaroni-like substance in the ready-to-eat meals consumed by Air Cadets while on survival exercises. If you are ever in a situation where cheed is offered as a meal option, don’t eat it! Cheed has been known to cause explosive diarrhea and cancer of the liver, brain, intestines, colon, and rectum as well as impotence and sterility. Before the Canadian Forces discovered the alleged nutritional value of cheed, it was used to patch holes in the fuel tanks of military aircraft. It is also believed that cheed was used in the Middle Ages as a spermicidal agent, although none of the people who used it are alive to confirm this...

Peace & Love,

J. S. Buchanan


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